Nerds Against Humanity

Here you will find all of the Nerds Against Humanity cards compiled into printable sheets.


If you have the downloaded cards from Cards Against Humanity, then you already know what to do. Here are the Nerds cards that will match that set:


Set 1 - Black Cards

Set 1 - White Cards



Set 2 - Black Cards

Set 2 - White Cards



Set 3 - Black Cards

Set 3 - White Cards



Set 4 - Black Cards

Set 4 - White Cards



In case you just want the text from the cards so you can write them on blank cards or make them on your own, here are text files from each set:


Text file of Set 1 (234 cards)


Text file of Set 2 (234 cards)


Text file of Set 3 (234 cards)


Text file of Set 4 (200 cards)



If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.